Chat Live With Michelle!

Join Michelle live every month on YouTube!

You’ll be able to chat live with Michelle on every show.  We’ll pick the best posts and show them live on screen as they happen!  For longer questions or comments, use the Ask Michelle form here.

Here’s how to take part:

*** YouTube ***

Go to the live stream chat – find it from Michelle’s YouTube page – and start chatting. No need to use any hashtag.

*** Twitter ***

Use the hashtag #torak and we’ll automatically pick it up.

*** Twitch ***

Go to the chatroom on Michelle’s Twitch Channel and start chatting. No need to use a hashtag.


All shows start at 6pm UK time.  For the time in other parts of the world, click here.

When is the next MICHELLE LIVE? You can see when the next Michelle LIVE is scheduled here:

On YouTube, be sure to subscribe to her channel, and set a reminder!